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Post by Aeliren Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:28 pm


The guild is an institution by it self and it should be treated as such. INCOMING has made a name for itself by being a guild filled with honorable people. We have earned the respect of the Drak'thul by showing respect to others (even those who ordinarily may not deserve or return such respect). We place high value on honor in this guild, which means treating your fellow players with respect, whether in game or on any public forums. If you can't be polite, don't post. If you can't say something right, don't say it. Behave as an adult. Your actions reflect upon the entire guild, and any misconduct or disrespect of fellow players will not be tolerated and may inflict serious damage to the guild. We want to establish and maintain a reputation for being a quality raiding guild, full of helpful and active members who are an excellent addition to any group or party... do your best to live up to these expectations.

1. Guild chat and Forum:

- Do not insult or antagonize your guild mates. A joke may be fine but learn when to back off and always apologize if you take things too far and offend somebody. If you ask for help and do not receive it immediately, don't get angry and abusive. Remember that the officers are very busy and people are often tied up doing their own thing.

- Spamming is to be kept to a minimum. A little playing around is ok but too much gets annoying and prevents important information from being relayed.(This does not mean that you can not make jokes and chat with means that you do not spam annoying blabbering a.k.a "Dirge spam")

- Guild chat and forum is private, do not repeat what is read in guild chat to anybody outside of the guild without an officers permission.

2. In-guild interaction:

- Know the difference between advice and criticism, if you feel a guild mate is lacking in some way then think of a way to suggest improvement other than telling them that they suck. A suggested method on how they could go about doing so would make a good start.

- If somebody is stuck, help get them unstuck. WE ARE A TEAM so we act like one. Teamwork for the win!

- DO NOT ASK TO ACCESS ANYBODIES ACCOUNT BUT YOUR OWN. Sharing your account with anybody is a bad idea.

Posts : 56
Join date : 2013-04-07
Age : 36
Location : Prague

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